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healthcarehealth care education, recruitment, and professional development. All students, whether or not they have previously rotated at Piedmont, will now need to be credentialed through ACEMAPP.

Q: My student/clinical faculty is currently employed at Piedmont. How can they apply for employee designation in ACEMAPP?

A: Students and clinical faculty can apply for employee designation with Piedmont Healthcare by logging into their ACEMAPP account and following the process outlined in our help desk article here: Submitting Applications. They will complete either the Piedmont Healthcare Student/Employee Confirmation or Piedmont Healthcare Faculty/Employee Confirmation application. More information regarding how to apply for employee designation with Piedmont Healthcare is also posted as an announcement on their main ACEMAPP homepages under the Announcements section.

Q: My student’s/clinical faculty’s employee designation application was accepted but they are still not cleared for their requirements in ACEMAPP.

A: Once their application has been reviewed and accepted by the site, they will be designated as an employee with Piedmont Healthcare in ACEMAPP. They will then become available to be cleared of their assigned SCORM courses, Piedmont TB Screening Questionnaire (if applicable), Piedmont Background Check, and Piedmont Drug Screen requirements by the site. The site will manually clear these items for them following the process outlined in our help desk article: Employee Designation - Managing Requirements and Assessments. They will only be cleared of some of their requirements via the employee designation process in ACEMAPP.

Q: Does my student’s preceptor or clinical faculty member need to be assigned to the rotation roster in ACEMAPP?

A: Preceptors and faculty only need to be assigned to the roster if they are attending the clinical experience on-site with students or if they are completing evaluations/surveys related to that rotation in ACEMAPP. If the faculty or preceptor assigned to the roster are non-compliant but the student assigned is fully compliant, the rotation roster will not be available to be sent to the site in ACEMAPP until the faculty or preceptor are fully compliant as well.

Q: I need to remove a clinical faculty or preceptor from the rotation roster. How do I do that?

A: You can unassign faculty or preceptors from the rotation roster by clicking on the ‘Clinical Faculty’ or ‘Preceptors’ tab within the rotation request, selecting the ‘Remove’ checkbox under the ‘Actions’ column next to their name, scrolling down to the bottom of the page and clicking ‘Save’ Changes.

Q: How many students can be assigned to a cohort rotation request in ACEMAPP?

A: Piedmont Healthcare does not allow more than 8 students to be assigned to a single cohort rotation request. If more than 8 students are assigned, the site may deny the rotation or request you resign your students accordingly in ACEMAPP.

Q: How can I check if my students are fully compliant in ACEMAPP? How do I know when my students are cleared to begin rotating at Piedmont?

A: You can review your student's overall compliance for his/her upcoming rotation at Piedmont Healthcare by clicking the 'Members' tab from your main school user dashboard, selecting the 'Students' tab under the 'Rotations' column, and hovering over the red x icon under the 'Compliance' column to reveal his/her list of incomplete items. To verify overall student compliance in ACEMAPP, please review the following help desk article: Managing Members.

You can also verify overall student compliance from your student's rotation request by clicking on the 'View Rotations' tab from your main school user dashboard, locating their rotation, and clicking the pencil ('Edit') icon under the 'Actions' column. From here, click the 'Students' tab and see if the student is non-compliant. A red x icon under the 'Rotation Validity' column will be listed if the student is non-compliant. You can then click the white button under the 'Action' column to pop out the student’s details and select the red x button under 'Compliance' to see which items are missing. A green checkmark will be listed once the student is fully compliant in ACEMAPP.

All students must be fully compliant at least 10 days prior to the start of their rotation at Piedmont. If the roster has not been sent, students will not be allowed on-site. If students fail to meet full compliance, their rotation start date may be delayed. The school will receive a direct email from Piedmont Healthcare letting you know when your students are cleared to be on-site and begin their clinical experience.

Q: How do my students and clinical faculty complete their Piedmont Background Check and Piedmont Drug Screen requirements?

A: Your students and faculty will be asked to complete their Piedmont Background Check and Piedmont Drug Screen requirements following the process outlined in our help desk article here: InfoMart (Advantage Students). Piedmont requires background checks and drug screens every 1.5 years. If your students and/or faculty need help to complete these items in ACEMAPP, they can contact ACEMAPP Support at 844-223-4292 or .

Q: Where do my students/clinical faculty complete their criminal background and drug screening? How long does it take for my students/clinical faculties’ reports to process? What is the fee associated with completing these requirements?

A: Piedmont Healthcare’s required provider is www.advantagestudents.com. The fee for this service is the responsibility of the student or faculty member. Additional fees for searches outside of the State of Georgia may apply. Please note the drug screening and criminal background check normally takes up to 72 hours to process.

Q: My student and/or clinical faculty have shared their reports with Piedmont within Advantage Students but their requirements are still incomplete in ACEMAPP.

A: Students and/or faculty need to link their accounts, share their reports, and have the site manually review and approve their results before these requirements will be marked as completed within ACEMAPP. More information on how to complete the Advantage Students vendor integration process can be found on their ACEMAPP homepages under the Announcements section.

Q: How can I verify that a roster has been sent in ACEMAPP? How can I manually send a rotation roster in ACEMAPP?

A: To verify whether a roster has been sent, please review the following help desk article: Rotation Rosters. ACEMAPP will send the rotation rosters to Piedmont automatically once all members assigned to the roster are fully compliant. If the roster has not been sent, students will not be allowed on-site.

To manually send a rotation roster, please review the following help desk article: Rotation Rosters. The rotation roster will only be available to be sent if the rotation is in an Approved status, has at least one member assigned to the rotation roster, and all assigned members are fully compliant.

Q: I need to withdraw a rotation request that is no longer be used, how do I do that?

A: You can move requests that are no longer being used by the school to 'Withdrawn' status in ACEMAPP by clicking the Edit pencil icon under the Actions column for the desired request within your 'View Rotations' table, scrolling down towards the bottom of the page, changing the status within the 'Status' dropdown menu from 'Approved' to 'Withdrawn', entering the 'Withdrawn Reason' in the text field and clicking the green 'Save' button.

Q: I need to make adjustments to the rotation roster; a different student needs to be assigned but the roster has already been sent. What should I do?

A: Piedmont Healthcare does not allow for the changing of the students assigned to a rotation in ACEMAPP once the roster has been sent. If there has been a change in your rotation roster, please contact Marci Hanson at . If any changes are made to the rotation request, members assigned, or other areas to the rotation request, the roster is resent to the clinical site once the rotation is in Approved status again, at least one member is still assigned to the rotation roster, and all assigned members are fully compliant (including newly assigned members).

Q: Our school is set up with standard requirements, Piedmont is set up with tiered requirements. If my student completes the school’s requirements, will they also be cleared for Piedmont's requirements?

A: First, Piedmont has tiered requirements for TB, Varicella (Chicken Pox), Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR), and Hepatitis B. Tiered requirements are more detailed and may require students to resubmit with additional information, even if they’ve already completed the school's standard requirements for each. Completing a more detailed version of the requirement will not clear the student of the more basic version of the requirement. Students are responsible for completing and maintaining compliance for all school and clinical site requirements.

Q: How do my students complete Piedmont’s tiered requirements?

A: There are multiple ways students can satisfy their tiered requirements. Students must read ALL instructions listed for these requirements and upload their documentation to the appropriate requirement title within the tiered requirement. If they have any questions on how to complete these, they can contact ACEMAPP Support at 844-223-4292 or .

Q: Our students’ ACEMAPP requirements will expire mid-rotation. Can the rotation continue?

A: Piedmont Healthcare requires students to maintain compliance throughout their clinical experience at the site. The students may continue to rotate but are expected to renew their ACEMAPP requirements accordingly. The school is responsible for ensuring their students’ overall compliance in ACEMAPP for the entirety of their rotation at Piedmont. Students and faculty will receive alerts when their requirements, such as documents and immunizations, are close to expiring.

Q: My student/clinical faculty is an employee of Piedmont Healthcare and has never received TB testing. Can they still rotate at the site?

A: Piedmont Healthcare does not require employees to complete annual TB testing. The completion date that the site enters in ACEMAPP for the Piedmont TB Screening Questionnaire requirement is either the date on which the individual completed their TB testing or a date chosen by the site as an attestation that they are cleared to attend their clinical experience. Piedmont Healthcare will determine if the faculty member or student is cleared for placement at a Piedmont Healthcare facility.

Q: How do my students and clinical faculty complete their Piedmont Healthcare Orientation?

A: The faculty are responsible for completing the orientation requirements for themselves and for the students prior to the first educational experience. You can email Marci Hanson regarding the next available orientation date for your students and faculty at . Students and faculty may only attend their orientation if they are fully compliant in ACEMAPP.

Q: My student is designated as an employee with Piedmont Healthcare in ACEMAPP. Do they still need to complete their ACEMAPP membership fee?

A: The membership fee is not waived for students who are designated as employees with Piedmont Healthcare in ACEMAPP. This fee is associated with their utilization of ACEMAPP for their clinical placement with Piedmont and any other partner sites that use ACEMAPP.

Q: My student’s rotation was approved by Piedmont in ACEMAPP. Are my students cleared for their rotation?

A: There is a difference between an "approved rotation" and the student being cleared to begin. A student must be fully compliant (all green checks) before they are cleared to begin. Before sending any students to Piedmont, all members assigned to a rotation must be fully compliant and the rotation roster must have been sent via ACEMAPP. You will receive a direct email from Piedmont Healthcare letting you know when your students are cleared to be on-site and begin their clinical experience.

Q: Does the school approve the uploaded documentation for all of the students’ requirements in ACEMAPP?

A: Piedmont Healthcare has asked that the schools approve all uploaded documentation for all requirements in ACEMAPP, including the Piedmont Student Participation Agreement requirement, to ensure all of the students' requirements have been fulfilled.

Q: My student has completed more than one Piedmont Student Participation Agreement requirement. Why is that?

A: Your student will complete a Piedmont Student Participation Agreement requirement for each rotation they are assigned to at Piedmont in ACEMAPP. Faculty ensures the fully signed Student Participation Agreement is on file at Piedmont Healthcare prior to the start of any educational rotation, they are the ones who sign it.

Q: What were the updates made to the Hepatitis B requirement?

A: Piedmont Healthcare has made the decision to adjust its Hepatitis B compliance standards. These changes will NOT add any new documentation that students will have to upload and will make completing the Hepatitis B requirement easier in ACEMAPP. The Hepatitis B requirement in ACEMAPP has been adjusted accordingly.

  • Students are now able to provide their Positive Hepatitis B Titer result without also providing their vaccine series documentation to meet the requirement.
  • If Students/Clinical Faculty are in the process of completing their Hepatitis B series, they will need to enter a completion AND expiration date to the 'Hep B in process - notify your school to be waived' section of the tiered requirement on the student’s behalf in ACEMAPP. This will allow the student to be compliant for Hep B until that expiration date and ACEMAPP will remind them when they are close to expiring. Students are not able to upload documentation to this new option, this is only for the school to manually waive a student for a period of time. By entering dates here, you as their school are acknowledging their responsibility for counseling the students on the risk of exposure to this bloodborne pathogen during clinical practice.

Click here to download a visual representation of how the Piedmont Hepatitis B requirement can be met.

Q: Is there a specific form my student/clinical faculty needs to complete and upload into ACEMAPP for the Hepatitis B Declination?

A: Yes, there has been a recent update to this requirement in ACEMAPP. There is now a downloadable document within the ‘Hepatitis B Declination/Incomplete’ tab that individuals who are either not taking the vaccine, or have not completed the vaccine series, or have not yet received a titer after completing the vaccine series need to complete and upload into ACEMAPP to satisfy their Piedmont - Hepatitis B requirement. Your clearance of the Hepatitis B Declination serves to acknowledge your responsibility for counseling the student/faculty on the risk of exposure to this bloodborne pathogen during clinical practice.

Q: My student is working with a preceptor who works at multiple Piedmont facilities. Should I create their rotation request using all of the potential site locations they could be rotating at in ACEMAPP?

A: Piedmont Healthcare has requested that when schools create rotations on behalf of their students in ACEMAPP, that only one Piedmont Healthcare site location be listed on each request. If your student is working with a preceptor who works at multiple Piedmont facilities, you are to use the preceptor's home facility for the site location or use 'Piedmont - Physician Group or Offsite' when creating the student's rotation request in ACEMAPP. The preceptor will be able to provide this information to the student if they are unsure.

Q: I have only assigned my clinical faculty member to the rotation roster and am still waiting to assign my students in ACEMAPP. Do I need to make any adjustments to the settings of the roster in the meantime?

A: Yes, If you are assigning your clinical faculty member to the rotation roster first, you should set the 'Is this roster complete' toggle to 'No' within the 'Clinical Faculty' tab of the rotation request until you assign your students to avoid having the rotation roster sent to the site prematurely. You should be assigning your students and clinical faculty members to the rotation roster in ACEMAPP within roughly the same time frame. Once your students have been assigned, you will set the toggle back to 'Yes' and the roster will be sent automatically by ACEMAPP once all assigned members are fully compliant.

Q: What type of certifications does Piedmont Healthcare accept for the BLS requirement?

A: Piedmont Healthcare accepts certifications from the American Heart Association, American Red Cross and Military Network for the BLS requirement.