Managing References

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Managing References
Member Types:

The Reference System allows your Faculty or Preceptor to give a professional reference. This reference will be about a Rotation that was just completed (or) a completed Course. The reference can be attached to your ACEMAPP ePortfolio.

Step 1:

To view a reference given to you, select your name in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and then select the "Manage" button. image arrow pointing to where the name is located and where the Manage button is

Step 2:

Scroll down in the Navigation box until you find and select the "My Referrals" button. image arrowing pointing to where the My References button is located on the list

Step 3:

On your My Referrals page, select "View Referrals Pending for me to Accept". image my referrals page pointing to View Referrals Pending button

Step 4:

Check the box in the table to select the reference(s) you would like to accept and select the " Mark Selected as Accepted" box. The Referral is now approved and visible on the My Referrals page. To give a professional reference. This reference will be about a Rotation that was just completed (or) a finished course. The reference can be attached to your ACEMAPP ePortfolio image pending referrals page pointing to mark selected as Accepted button and checkbox

Requesting a Referral

You can request a Referral from a Faculty or Preceptor with which you have completed a rotation.

Step 5:

Select "Request a new Referral" image My Referrals page pointing to Request a New Referral button

Step 6:

Select "Member" and type in the name of the Faculty or Preceptor you would like to request a referral from and click the "Save" button. image member search showing field input

Step 7:

You will now see your requested referral awaiting approval by the Faculty or Preceptor in the "Pending Referrer Review" tab. Image My Referrals page showing Pending Referrer Review tab