Uploading Tiered Requirements

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Uploading Tiered Requirements
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Tiered requirements allow for different options to complete the overall requirement. These options, or "tiers," are determined by the organization for which the requirement is set up.

Instructions on how to complete each tiered requirement are included in the Requirement Description.

Step 1:

From your Home page, locate the tiered requirement in the Requirements section. The crossed arrows identify tiered requirements next to the requirement name.

Click the "Manage Requirement" button.

requirements panel highlighting manage button and tiered requirement icon

Step 2:

Navigate to the desired Group and upload your requirement documentation to each Level within the selected Group to complete that tier of the requirement.

Follow the instructions in the Requirement Description for each Tiered Requirement. There is a requirement description for the overall requirement and a description for each selected tier.

Note: All "Levels" within a "Group" MUST be completed to complete that "Tier" of the requirement.

document upload screen highlighting Navigation, instruction, and description panel, and the submit button.

Complete all fields marked with the orange "Required" tag.

Click the green "Submit" button to submit the document.

The requirement is sent to the appropriate coordinator to review and approve.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

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