Directory Adding Entities & Entity Documents

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Directory Adding Entities & Entity Documents
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Directory: Adding Entities and Entity Documents

The Directory system allows you to create and manage entities specific to your organization. This includes adding general and requirements notes, managing contract dates and site visits and sharing across multiple campuses. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Step 1:

From the dashboard, click on the Directory tab, then Entities

Step 2:

Review the list of Entities to verify if the new Entity has already been created. You can use the search bar to see if it has been created or review the list. Once you have verified the Entity has not been created, select the Create New button.

Step 3:

Enter the Entity's name, select the status, and select the entity type. You can provide the entity's address and contact information in the appropriate field and click Save.

Step 4:

Next, select the Connection tab. For this Entity to be available to other members, select the appropriate program here and Save.
Optional: You can select the Additional tab in the Navigation box to add additional information about the Entity. Once you enter the information, click Save.

Uploading Documents:

Once you add a Directory Entity, you can upload documents specific to that Entity.

Step 1:

Click on the Directory tab, then Entities.

Step 2:

Locate the Entity you would like to upload a document. Once you find the Entity listed, click on the Entity Partnership Documents button under the Actions column.

Step 3:

Click on Add Partnership Document.

Step 4:

Select the Document Type and Program. Select Browse to upload the document. You can change the toggle to Yes if the document expires and enter the expiration date. After you select the document and enter the appropriate information, click Save.

Once the document has been uploaded, you will see the details in the table. If you want to edit the information or delete the document, you can select the Pencil icon.

Additional Information

If you see a Lost and Found button on your Directory Entity table, then an entity is not connected completely. Click the button, then click the pencil icon for the Entity listed. Confirm the information. If you want to keep the Entity, go to the Connection tab and add the program. If you want to delete the Entity, go to the status field and move to deleted or closed.
LostAndFound Add Connection

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

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