This tips & tricks video is intended to help our members navigate ACEMAPP. Watch the video above or follow the steps outlined below to learn these key techniques.
Name shortcuts
Click on your name in the upper-right corner to access a number of options. You can access your profile, inbox, bookmarked pages, and the logout button in this area.
Your default home page
By clicking on "Profile", you can select the “Default Home Page” tab and set which page will display when you first log in to ACEMAPP and when you click the ACEMAPP Logo. Simply click on the drop-down, select your preferred page, and click "Save". Clicking on the ACEMAPP logo will now take you to your Default Home Page.
Use the Bookmark feature to save pages you frequently use, such as a report, rotation, or other often-used pages. When you are on the page you want to bookmark, click on your name and the “+ Bookmark” button. ACEMAPP will generate a name automatically, which can be changed or customized. If you no longer need an existing bookmark, simply click on the red X.
Help desk article:
Breadcrumb Trail
Another useful tool in ACEMAPP is the Breadcrumb trail. The Breadcrumb trail is at the top of your ACEMAPP page and shows steps you have taken from your Home Page. You may see each previous page you were on and click the link to navigate back.
We hope these quick navigation tips and tricks will help you when using ACEMAPP. If you have any questions, please contact ACEMAPP support at or 844-223-4292.